Player Reviews

Battle for Sky Fortress was released in the US and EU regions, and was well received by a broad range of players.  Prior to the overhaul of the Starcraft 2 arcade system and bugs that caused the mod to be difficult for players to find, the mod had thousands of 4+ ratings.

I have always appreciated the communities response and the kind words given in reviews, on the forums and via email by fans of the mod.  It has continued to be an inspiration and something that encourages me to pursue professional game development in the future.

Here are some of the reviews received by the game:
(click to zoom)

Monday 6th June

Update 3.11 LIVE

Update Notes

The Invasion is here!

Saturday 21st May

Featured by Blizzard!

Battle for Sky Fortress is now featured by blizzard, check out their blog here.

Heroes Added!

Hero information has been added to the website.

See it here